
Thursday, 11 April 2019

Term 1 Science Reflection

I am reflecting about term 1 in science.
Image result for science
What we first talked about when we first started doing science is that we talked about the science rules.

Image result for rules

1. Bag is always under table's
2. Listen to teachers instructions at all times
3. Do not run or play inside the science room
4. Do not eat or drink inside the science room
5. tie up long hair during practical
6. Do not touch any equipment with no permission
7. if accidents happen report to teacher immediately.
8. wear safety gear while handling fire and chemicals
9. cover shoes always in science room
10. wash hands after every experience.

Some things that I learned about from science is about the Layers of the earth and also the meaning of things like:

Physics: Study of objects how they work, how to build.

Chemistry: Study of chemicals 

Biology: Study of living things 

Astronomy: Study of space and space objects 

Zoology: Study of animals 

Botony: Study of plants.

Image result for volcano

What I learned about volcanoes was that there are names of the clouds and other things that come out of it. Also I learned about where the lava comes from and how volcanoes happen. 

Image result for layers of the earth

What I know about the layers of the earth is that there are four main layers and they are the crust, mantle, outer core and the inner core. I also learned about the things inside the layers of the earth and how hot they are. I learned that the closer you get to the inner core the more hotter it will get.

We also did crossword works and also other fun activities that I really liked doing. We also made volcano models from paper and we even did fill in the blank types of work.